June 21, 2021


After spending another week carefully disinfecting and applying additional preventive measures across our facilities to create a safe training environment for you, we are very happy to inform you that our facilities will resume operations on Wednesday, 23rd June. You may now book your GDS session through the Pinnacle App.

Below are the schedules for GDS Online and Facility:

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Below are some safety reminders as you return to our facilities:

Preparing for your session.

  • All members must book into their session through the Pinnacle App. For Pinnacle BLACK members, please ensure you confirm your session with your Lead Coach before arriving at the facility.

  • All members must download App in compliance with the IATF contact tracing policy.

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During your session.

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After your session.

  • After the GDS, please go straight to either the changing rooms or the elevators.

  • Gathering in groups is discouraged in order to keep a safe social distance.

As always, thank you for your diligence and loyalty during these times, and for doing your part in keeping our coaches and fellow athletes safe.
Your Lead Coach is available to answer any further questions you may have.