February 11, 2021
facilities reopening ON 18th FEbruary!
In the latest announcement from the Hong Kong Secretary for Food and Health, gyms will be able to reopen beginning Thursday, 18th February.
Though Covid-19 social distancing measures will be relaxed from next week, Pinnacle will be strictly complying with the health guidelines issued by the authorities in order to keep you safe while still being able to deliver the best session possible. And as we prepare to open our doors to welcome you all back, we will be spending the next few days operationalising the necessary protocols, thoroughly disinfecting the facilities, and making all other preparations required to give you a safe training environment.
More information on our reopening guidelines will be released on Monday, February 15.
Please stay updated with announcements through the Pinnacle Performance App and our social media pages. Your Lead Coach will also be ready to answer any of your questions.