December 8, 2020

Dear athletes,

In the latest announcement from the Hong Kong Health Secretary, Coronavirus measures will be tightened to contain the spread of the virus, which includes the closure of gyms, spas, salons and amusement parks among others.

Beginning 12mn of 10th December, Thursday to 23rd December, Wednesday, Pinnacle Performance and Pinnacle BLACK will be closed but will resume ONLINE.

Sessions and Training Plans

  • All sessions will be ONLINE beginning 10th December.

  • Online sessions will follow the same Facility GDS schedule.

  • Training plans will be available for members who would want to utilise a Running Programme.

  • Goal-setting over the Christmas holidays will be guided by Lead Coaches.

As ever, we thank you for your understanding, loyalty and support. Please continue to stay up to date on our website blog as well as pushed notifications within your Pinnacle App for recent COVID-19 developments and how this may affect our facility operations.

If you have any further questions that has not been answered here, feel free to reach out to your Lead Coach.