Pinnacle L4 certification pathway

Pinnacle are here to support you throughout your journey as a developing coach, with further mentoring and coaching programmes available to you. Your journey to becoming a certified REPs & CIMSPA SCE Level 4 coach begins here..


17 Online Modules

Module 1 - THE NEEDS ANALYSIS: Develop and build macro, meso and micro cycles when designing client programmes.

Module 2 - DESIGNING THE MACRO, MESO & MICRO CYCLES: Develop and build macro, meso and micro cycles when designing client programmes.

Module 3 - DESIGNING RESISTANCE TRAINING PROGRAMMES: To be able to explain the key principles of designing the resistance components of a client’s programme.

Module 4 - SPEED AND AGILITY PROGRAMMING: To be able to explain the key principles to designing the Speed and Agility components of a client’s programme.

Module 5 - PLYOMETRIC TRAINING & PROGRAMMING: This module will provide direct guidance for how to implement plyometric training.

Module 6 - BUILDING THE PERFORMANCE PROGRAMME: Design performance programmes that address a client’s needs based on their chosen activity.

Module 7 - PERIODISATION ESSENTIALS: Periodisation models and fundamental periodisation principles

Module 8 - ENDURANCE TRAINING PROGRAMME DESIGN & ESD: This module will explain the key principles to designing endurance programmes and Energy System Training

Module 9 - ADVANCED PROGRAMME DESIGN: Implement advanced training methods within your client’s programmes

Module 10 - RESISTANCE TRAINING PROGRESSIONS: Understand how to progress resistance-based training and ensure continued client adaptation and progression

Module 11 - ADVANCED STRENGTH AND POWER TRAINING: To learn more advanced training techniques whilst understanding when and where to use in your client’s programmes

Module 12 - TRANSFER OF TRAINING: To understand the key principles of the Transfer of Training to better affect client’s results

Module 13 - MOBILITY AND STABILITY TRAINING: To understand and explain the key principles of mobility and stability when designing client’s training programmes

Module 14 - CORE TRAINING CONSIDERATIONS: Understanding the principles of implementing core training within a client’s programme

Module 15 - DESIGNING INJURY REDUCTION PROGRAMMES: This module will provide direct guidance when designing any injury reduction training programmes

Module 16 - RECOVERY AND REGENERATION: Learn how to understand, explain and prescribe strategies to aid in the recovery and regeneration for clients following injury or time away from exercise

Module 17- LONG-TERM ATHLETIC DEVELOPMENT: Learn the fundamentals of training youth clients and how such clients should be progressed over a period of time


Bonus 1 - THE COACHING RELATIONSHIP: We are performance coaches, therefore it is critical that we are able to challenge our athletes and clients in the most effective ways

Bonus 2 - 21ST CENTURY COACHING: You’ll learn cutting-edge tools and techniques that will allow you to charge higher fees and get far greater results than ever before

Bonus 3 - PSYCHOLOGY FOR SPORTS PERFORMANCE: Understand the importance of the psychology within a sporting and performance arena

Bonus 4 - NUTRITION FOR SPORTS PERFORMANCE: Aid your coaching practice by explaining the key principles of nutrition and sports nutrition and how these relate to performance 


Our Online + 2 day Workshop will ensure you get the most out of your course. Intensify your knowledge, practice your Olympic lifting with experts and unlock your extra certifications during our weekend workshop.

Online + 2 day Workshop Course & Lead Tutor Mentorship Timeline

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The final step before becoming a certified REPs & CIMSPA SCE Level 4 coach is to take your final practical Olympic weightlifting, speed and movement assessment. Book an online assessment with our tutors and arrange a suitable time to submit your videos.

Assessments and Criteria


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