COVID-19: Update 3

Dear Pinnacle Athlete,

As we continue to monitor developments with the current situation we hope to keep you, our valued members, as up to date as possible with what we currently know and what we are continuing to do to mitigate effects/risks of the virus and maximise precautions within our facility. We hope this informs you with valuable information as well as comforts you somewhat in knowing that we are doing all that we can to maintain Pinnacle standards throughout our services, whether they are limited or not.

REMINDER: Member sanitation protocols

We are requesting all members once again to take 2 minutes out of your time to thoroughly clean equipment that you've used as well as any other surfaces you may have come in contact with during your sessions, e.g. benches, dumbbells, floor space, worktops etc. We will be enforcing this very strictly. Please remember, it's not about you but about looking after everyone, including those around us (doormen, parents etc.) who are vulnerable.

Disinfectant wipes are readily available on the desks and coaches are at hand to help if needed, but we are introducing this now as a compulsory part of every session. Please understand if our coaches check that this is being done by all our members.

This is in addition to our teams' mandatory specific cleaning periods throughout each day (3 times). Together with us all doing our own parts we aim to provide vital protection for all those around us who share the same space.

Government Advice - what are Pinnacle doing?

Over the weekend you may have seen how the Hong Kong government calling for premises such as bars and gyms to change the way they operate: Carrie Lam appealed to these "relevant industries, for the sake of public health, to adjust their operations and lower risks for their customers.”

Well we have, and will continue to do introduce tighter measures:

1. Outside of our one-on-one sessions, Pinnacle have smaller group session sizes (4-6) and will look at reducing this further whilst opening up more session times should we feel it necessary to do so;

2. We have introduced health declaration forms, temperature monitoring and dramatically increased sanitation protocols and cleaning frequency;

 3. We are recommending self-isolation to those that may have been in contact with infected personnel or been in/near high risk areas;

4. Pinnacle coaches are working hard with remote programming or online coaching where necessary;

5. We are researching and developing new ways to move and workout at home (stay tuned), as well as deep cleaning of the facilities when able.

6. Coaching and Management teams are communicating on a daily basis in order to alleviates risks to athlete and maintain flexibility where required for Lead Coach / Member relations.

Communications & Updates

We aim to provide consistent updates as and when necessary, and as a Pinnacle athlete in such changing times please kindly stay up to date with our information circulars by checking emails, app notifications and our website. In addition, your Lead Coach will be the first port of call if you want to talk about anything specific to you, your membership or the surrounding situation.

Here is our COVID-19 website page for FAQ's

Here is our COVID-19 update page/blog to stay informed


COVID-19: Update 4


COVID-19: Update 2